Asst. professor & HOD
MBA (HR & Marketing)
Asst. Professor
Asst. Professor
M.Com, MBA
Asst. Professor
MBA (Marketing & Finance)
Diploma in logistics & supply chain management
3 years Industrial Experience
Asst. Professor
Asst. Professor
M.Com (Finance)
Asst. Professor
MBA (HR & Finance), UGC NET
Asst. Professor
M.Sc Maths, B.Ed, MA Sociology
MA Communicative English
MTech + Oil and gas engineering
MBA ( Hospital Administration)
Mcom , SET
Private sector has grown by leaps and bounds, opening up enormous and unique opportunities that call for qualified managers and future entrepreneurs.
KAMS offers a variety of programmes for the aspiring students that will furnish them to occupy an enticing career in the global management.
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Monday to Saturday
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